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Issue 9 (September 2023)
Laughing is a Deadly Matter: The Double-Edged Sword of Comedy, by Tsoi Pok Kong
From Nerves to Confidence: How I Conquered the Stage, by Chui Mei Yan Ceci
The Last Triton, by Hui Nga Chit, Cheryl
Behind the Glamorous Façade, by Fung C
The Proditio Ring, by Ileana Pal
Japanese Anime: A Genesis Art in Reality, by Ngo Ka Him Kenneth
The Magic Bullet, by Sadie, Noah Mark Ezekiel Agbulos
Issue 8 (September 2022)
The Gleaming Emerald, by Chan Tsz Hei Hedy
Considering a shared future between humans, post-humans and AI, by Cheah Yeok Tatt
River’s Song, by Alicia Cheung
The Meek, by Hui Nga Chit Cheryl
I by D, by David Vallo
The Vending Machine, by Tracy Chow
Issue 7 (September 2021)
Like Water, by Fung Sum Yi, Popo
Voices in a Vacuum: Exploring Podcast Horror, by Mehriell Ang
Halted Oblivion, by Will Yick
Insert Coin, Grab Joystick and Buckle up – Memories and Takeaways from Ready Player One, by Joshua Tan Yee Chong
Vampire Beauty, by Hsiang-An Tseng
Exporting J-horror: Will its cultural success abroad also be its demise?, by Rosie Man Wai Chan
Issue 6 (September 2020)
Radiography: More than Just Pushing Buttons , by Yeung Wing Chun
Mors et Vita Duello Conflixere Mirando – Death and Life Contended in a Spectacular Battle , by William Chang
Superheroes: Force for Good or Relic of the Past? , by So Shiu To Tobias
Tear Drop , by Ashima Shukla
Metanoia , by Ma Yan Tung Roni
Love U2 , by Ines Durand
The Symphony of Life , by Hamad Khan
War is Never a Choice , by Lam Chi Yuen (Lammy)
New Methods for Regrowing Nerves could Reverse Blindness , by Anastassiya Kim
Toilet Paper Panic: Who’s to Blame? , by Chen Yusong, Brett
Fed up with Pompous Culinary Posers , by Muses Yip
A Chai Shop and Contrasts , by Jo-Ann Sanu
First Taste of Salt , by Yung Wing Chit (Vinci)
Issue 5 (September 2019)
Let There Be No Light , by Wong Xiu Wei
Rethinking Linguistic Relativity: Does Language Shape our Thought? , by Celia Liu
A selection of poems , by Chatty Indrawan
Tasty Meal or Man’s Best Friend?, by Li Zuchen, Mike
Climate Change: Investigating the Hurdles to Action , by Gautham Gopinath
Issue 4 (October 2018)
Shifting Female Identity in Paris: Manet’s Altered “Barmaid” in Folies-Bergère as an Allegory (1880s), by LI Ruowei
Shifters, by Maciej Nowakowski
How does Zhang Hongtu’s Artwork Reflect his Cultural Diversity? , by Syeda Aimen Abbasi
The Cursed Life of Carl Flowers , by Geisty Shu
The “Dear Sisters” Who Can’t Hear the Time’s Up Alarm , by Zere Kairbekova
Membership with a Price: Weakened Sovereignty in the Age of the WTO , by Isaac Wong
Counting Stars, by Jocelin Vania Cindy
Which Legal Approach to Prostitution Protects the Sex Workers Best? , by DAI Zhiping Lionel
Issue 3 (September 2017)
Blood and hair: Human bodily materials in the works of Wenda Gu , by Max Lee
An evaluation of the implementation of communal conservancies in Namibia , by Yiu Pui Ying, Joanne
Weeding out Weed Laws , by Vivian Tsui
An Enterprise Information System for retail companies’ internal inventory management technology proposal , by LIU Qihong, Leo
Revolution: The Right Way , by Anoushka Mahar
The Mountain or the River? , by Bei Ho Pan
Humanity’s Primal Fears: Interpreting The Fly , by Anson Wang Zhuo Li
Blossom Season and Rainy Days , by Anna Tao
Issue 2 (September 2016)
Ugly Shoes Must Die , by Sidra Khan
The Secret of the Mooncake , by Winson Pan
An Analytical Essay on Poem Reflection – Wasted , by Heidi Tse
A Comparison of the Paintings of Bada Shanren and Shitao of the Qing Dynasty , by Liu Hong
Partial Assimilation: Mainland Chinese New Migrants in Singapore , by Jin Luo
Comments on Wu Yu’s Critique of the Confucian Teaching of Filial Piety and Conflicts within Filial Piety , by David Xu
Makeferrence Manifesto , by Geovanny Lay
A Memoir , by Anonymous
The Story of Andras, the Hero, and Grapto, the Convict , by Douglas Liu
It Ends with a Beginning , by Viola Chong
Inaugural Issue (Issue 1; November 2015)
Aiko, by Ip Ling, Elaine
Fight or flight, by Yau Yuk Ki, Katy
Learning English in 3d, by Ho Lap Kwan, Lawrence
Project proposal – The integration of GPS tracking and aerial shooting technology in outdoor sports events, by Wong Kwan Ho, Marco
Proposal of all-rounded educational toy – Mickey ball catcher, by Wu Cheuk Yan, Venus
The greatest fear, by Lee Shuk Ching, Janet
The reflection of identities between my grandfather and me in different centuries, by Wong Him Chin, Chelsea
Pilot Issue (April 2014)
City of the Queen, an Epic Tale of Colonial Hong Kong, by Jini Wang
Critical Book Report on The Fall of Hong Kong: Britain, China, and the Japanese Occupation, by Pui Yan Lam
Hong Kong Film, Hollywood and the New Global Cinema: No Film is an Island, by Wenqi Guo
Is a Fair Outcome of Globalization Attainable Both for Developed and Developing Countries?, by Kristian Øfstegaard Viflot
On Free Will, by Zhuhai Ye
Scientific Method, by Yaqi Wan
The Cinema of Hong Kong: History, Arts and Identity Hong Kong Cinema and Its Interaction with Global Culture, by Zhen Zhao
The Different Forms and Functions of the Goddess Kwan Yin, by Pak Yeung Law
The Meaning of Life, by Iris Ching Lam Wong
The Strengthening of the Guanyin Cult through Divination in Hong Kong, by Ursula Young
Time Traveling to the Past, by Chi Wai Law
Reflecting on Managing Organisations, by Sarah Millar