Mors et Vita Duello Conflixere Mirando – Death and Life Contended in a Spectacular Battle...

What role does chance have in the game of life? This fictional memoir will leave a lasting impression.

Mors et Vita Duello Conflixere Mirando – Death and Life Contended in a Spectacular Battle
posted on: Aug 17, 2020 | author: ELC

Mors et Vita Duello Conflixere Mirando – Death and Life Contended in a Spectacular Battle...

What role does chance have in the game of life? This fictional memoir will leave a lasting impression.

Mors et Vita Duello Conflixere Mirando – Death and Life Contended in a Spectacular Battle
posted on: Aug 17, 2020 | author: Inscribe Editor

A Memoir

Some people will come, and some will go. But their words will remain. It’s quite the mystery, why some people in this world have the opportunity to help us create our own little stories. I like to imagine that each of us is like a blank piece of paper when we are born, and that every person we meet scribbles a few words on our pages, so that together we eventually create a full story.

A Memoir
posted on: Sep 30, 2016 | author: Inscribe Editor