Comments on Wu Yu’s Critique of the Confucian Teaching of Filial Piety and Conflicts within Filial Piety...

This essay focuses on refining the understanding of Confucian filial piety. It aims to clarify some misinterpretations of filial piety by critically analyzing and evaluating Wu Yu’s Shuo Xiao (說孝), which attacked Confucianism in the 20th century. Five themes related to filial piety, including restriction of freedom / authoritarianism, the three-year funeral ritual, the supporting obligation toward parents, the succession of offspring or incense, and conflict with loyalty, are discussed and exemplified in this essay.

Comments on Wu Yu’s Critique of the Confucian Teaching of Filial Piety and Conflicts within Filial Piety
posted on: Oct 2, 2016 | author: Inscribe Editor

The Story of Andras, the Hero, and Grapto, the Convict...

Inspired by a semester-long course in philosophical thinking, this philosophical dialogue questions and explores the nature of humanity.

The Story of Andras, the Hero, and Grapto, the Convict
posted on: Sep 30, 2016 | author: Inscribe Editor

Time Traveling to the Past

Time travelling is often one of the elements in countless science fiction novels and films around the world. The dialogue in this article starts with two speakers who want to patronize the already closed café by using a time machine…

Time Traveling to the Past
posted on: Nov 4, 2013 | author: Inscribe Editor