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Considering a shared future between humans, post-humans and AI...
The ethics of genetic modification and AI and the portrayal of humanity in Cyberpunk and other sci-fi media are explored in this thought-provoking article.

River’s Song
Indulge in this stimulating sci-fi narrative in which creativity is forbidden in the state of Ashmore.

I by D
We all play roles, but do those roles make us? Explore the existentialism of identity in this thought-provoking poem.

The reflection of identities between my grandfather and me in different centuries...
This article serves as a biographical essay of the author’s paternal grandfather and this ancestor’s life as a former general of the Chinese national youth league. Observing the pull of Hong Kong during the height of the Cultural Revolution of the 1950’s, the author continues this biographical exploration through her paternal grandfather’s immigration to Hong Kong, reflecting upon the issue of identity as reflected through Hong Kong culture, Chinese immigrant status, and the self.