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Blossom Season and Rainy Days

Blossom Season and Rainy Days
Anna Tao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Outside, rain lashed against the roof, while inside, Xu Jiajia faced the washroom mirror with tears running down her face. For this teenage girl, it was a time of struggling, of change, as well as a period of growing and blooming.
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Anna Tao studies Accountancy at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. From Fujian China, she maintains a busy student life as a member of the PolyU choir, Easo Club, and English Reading Club. She enjoys reading psychological books and novels.
Adolescence is the most unforgettable period during our lifetime. In the blossoming season, we have happiness as well as sorrow. I want to jot down those bits and pieces and show the delicate emotions to readers. At the very beginning, I thought it was very hard to write such a story, and I was not confident to express details with literary devices. However, with the help of my teacher, editor, friends and family, I finally had a breakthrough. This story is a milestone for me and will always remind me that “being mature is not an easy thing, but everyone should give it a try”. I aim to continue on my journey to becoming a better writer.