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Let There Be No Light

Let There Be No Light
Wong Xiu Wei, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
“Today I fought demons in someone’s head.”
With this intriguing entry, we are taken on a heaven-sent journey that will grip you until the final page.
Click here to read Let There Be No Light
Hailing from Malaysia in Southeast Asia, Xiu Wei is always perpetually hungry (literally) and seeking inspiration from her surroundings. A third-year Optometry student at PolyU, she does not allow her busy schedule to deter her from taking as many electives as possible to broaden her horizons. Throughout her awkward adolescent years, she moved around from place to place a lot, and books were her only constant companions. She loves the written word, and hopes to one day be able to create work that can leave an imprint in people’s hearts.
I used to be known as the ‘quiet girl with a book’ during family gatherings and excursions, and I cannot stress how much reading has helped me grow as an individual by nurturing a sensitivity for understanding humanity. During my childhood, resources and information regarding the craft of writing was scarce, so this was a treasured opportunity for me to understand the process of writing, editing and publishing. This essay was a submission for ELC1A04 From the Lord of the Rings to Harry Potter: Fantasy, Reality and Humanity, which was a subject that I greatly enjoyed. No longer a quiet girl, I am now an avid lover of puns and possess a baffling (for some) sense of humour. It was my first effort writing a short story of this length, and I wanted to create a fun, light-hearted work with a modern re-imagination of mythology. It was challenging to create a solid storyline and likeable characters with limited words, but I feel like it has helped me advance my writing skills. If angels, demons, and technology with a splash of juvenile humour (sorry) sounds appealing to you, do give my work a read!