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Makeferrence Manifesto

Geovanny Lay, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
The Makeferrence Manifesto urges all people to take action and stand together towards a world with gender equality. Accordingly, the manifesto proposes a platform of a set of actions and procedures for the achievement of gender equality in six priority sectors, including; health, education, employment, politics, and property rights. Our main mission is to create an equal society without gender inequalities, equal rights and participation opportunities for women in every scope of life, equal opportunities to receive education, equal pay, and equal rights to lead and serve.
Click here to read -Makeferrence Manifesto
Geovanny Lay is an undergraduate second year student from Indonesia, majoring in Accounting and Finance at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University. She is passionate about travel and hopes to pursue a career which involves both accounting and traveling.
The process of writing this manifesto for the course ELC2012 Persuasive Communication enabled the author to express her desperation for a world with gender equality. Inspired by the Chime for Change global campaign, the purpose of the manifesto is not only to increase people’s awareness of gender inequality issues, but also to encourage them to take action and make a difference. Hence, the title Makefference.