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Considering a shared future between humans, post-humans and AI...
The ethics of genetic modification and AI and the portrayal of humanity in Cyberpunk and other sci-fi media are explored in this thought-provoking article.

Blood and hair: Human bodily materials in the works of Wenda Gu...
Human blood, placenta and hair are materials used by artist Wenda Gu to explore issues of humanity, culture and identity. This essay examines four of Gu’s famous creations and the messages conveyed by the use of these bodily materials.

An Evaluation of the Implementation of Communal Conservancies in Namibia...
The protection of endangered wildlife, such as lions, elephants and zebras, is an urgent issue in the African country of Namibia. While communal conservancies were established to promote sustainable natural resource management, what unintended impacts are these hunting and tourism activities having on the local community?

Editors’ Introduction
In Issue 5, we invite you to enjoy the creative and critical writing of five undergraduates at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.

Learning English in 3d
This argumentative essay considers language learning in virtual environments, debating the extent to which Second Life could help undergraduate students in Hong Kong universities improve their English language skills. Focusing on the precept that the digital space is a fluid platform which simulates the physical space, the author infuses personal experience during an English Language Centre subject exploration of Second Life in a writing practise session to investigate this issue.