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Editors’ Introduction

Dear readers
Welcome to Issue 6 of Inscribe: A Journal of Undergraduate Writing, hosted by the English Language Centre (ELC).
Here at PolyU, while we’ve spent much of the past year working and studying from home, it seems that students have soldiered on and persevered in their writing. We received a great number of entries, which impressed us with their high standard of criticality and creativity. All of those who submitted should be commended for their hard work.
Issue 6 features the works of 13 PolyU undergraduate students, nine of which originated as course writing assignments in various ELC subjects.
Starting with the dramatic, the screenplay Tear Drop written by Ashima Shukla presents the reader with thoughtfully-crafted characters and a story that will enthrall.
The satisfying fantasy short story Metanoia by Ma Yan Tung, Roni, tells of an ordinary life transformed by a magical letter and journey.
Ines Durand’s screenplay Love U2, is wonderfully entertaining and will interest all who can relate to the power music plays in our lives.
Continuing with the musical theme, an original poem by Hamad Khan, The Symphony of Life, is a beautifully-written piece that will be thoroughly enjoyed by all.
On a different note, Lam Chi Yuen (Lammy) reflects on the timeless 1960s classic “Blowin’ in the Wind” by Bob Dylan in War is Never a Choice.
This issue also includes several thought-provoking feature articles addressing various issues close to our students’ hearts. With a razor-sharp wit, Yeung Wing Chun, Andrea clears up some common misconceptions about her chosen profession in Radiography: More than Just Pushing Buttons.
Continuing in the realm of science, a feature article by Anastassiya Kim explains a recent medical breakthrough in layman’s terms. New Methods for Regrowing Nerves could Reverse Blindness highlights recent research on the use of stem cells.
On the lighter side, the woes of stay-at-home life are the inspiration for two feature articles. A quarrel overseen at the local market prompted Chen Yusong, Brett to investigate the causes of panic buying in the feature article Toilet Paper Panic: Who’s to Blame?.
Meanwhile, Muses Yip laments the sudden influx of overnight “chefs” infecting our social media newsfeeds in the feature article Fed up with Pompous Culinary Posers.
We are pleased to showcase three scripts which were winning entries in last year’s Read@PolyU “Readers Also Write” Writing Contest on the theme of a touchstone moment from childhood.
The touching reflection A Chai Shop and Contrasts, written by Jo-Ann Sanu, captures a chance encounter’s lasting impression.
Yung Wing Chit (Vinci) takes the reader into a child’s etched memory of the fleeting nature of life itself in the reflection First Taste of Salt.
The reader will question the role chance plays in the game of life with the fictional memoir Mors et Vita Duello Conflixere Mirando – Death and Life Contended in a Spectacular Battle by William Chang.
Rounding out Issue 6 is an academic essay from an ELC course. So Shiu To Tobias delves into the impacts of a recent pop culture phenomenon in Superheroes: Force for Good or Relic from the Past?.
Join us in congratulating these 13 student authors for their engaging and impressive works. Let them serve as inspiration for their fellow undergraduates to submit their own writing for a future issue.
Thank you to all who have contributed to this issue, our most extensive yet. This summer, eight editors, eight proofreaders and seven review panel members joined us in producing this issue. We greatly appreciate their invaluable service.
Join us on a wondrous journey of reading by exploring Issue 6.
Yours faithfully
Chrissy Burns, Editor-in-Chief
Adam Barker, Editor-in-Chief
Inscribe is hosted and supported by the English Language Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University.
- Ms. Chrissy Burns
- Mr. Adam Barker
Editorial Panel
- Mr. Richard Brooke
- Dr. Jack K.C. Chun
- Mr. Adam Forrester
- Mr. Andy Jarvis
- Mr. Andrew Morrall
- Dr. Bruce Morrison
- Dr. Jane Robbins
Faculty Editors
- Mr. Jay Bidal
- Mr Richard Brooke
- Ms. Chrissy Burns
- Ms. Kay Chan
- Dr. Tim Lee
- Mr. Calum Page
- Ms. Johanna Sandberg
- Mr. Freeman Tai
- Mr. Phil Todd
- Ms. Hannah Lai
- Dr. Tim Lee
- Ms. Johanna Sandberg
- Ms. Tracy Swemmer
- Mr. Freeman Tai
- Mr. Phil Todd
- Mr. Kawai Wong
- Ms. Bonnie Wu
Director of the English Language Centre
- Dr. Bruce Morrison
Senior Faculty Advisor
- Ms. Shari Lughmani
Founding Editor-in-Chief
- Mr. Dean A. F. Gui