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Editor’s Introduction
Welcome to Inscribe: A Journal of Undergraduate Writing, hosted by the English Language Centre (ELC).

Modern Marionettes: The Naked Truth
We are born beautifully bare – but raised with strings attached.

A Tall Goldilocks in Hong Kong: Navigating the Tangled Forest of Perceptions
Follow the long strides of one woman’s journey as she hurdles the low points of her height.

A Whisk of Magic
This baker’s brew has all the ingredients for happiness, but one is never certain of what the cauldron may spawn.

Side-eye: A Glance into Hong Kong’s Fast-Paced Culture
Please do embrace this local blemish on the Pearl of the Orient, but you’d better be quick about it.

City of Lost Stars
Dylan Thomas was right, of course. We need to “rage against the dying of the light.”
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Editor’s Introduction
Welcome to Inscribe: A Journal of Undergraduate Writing, hosted by the English Language Centre (ELC).

Modern Marionettes: The Naked Truth
We are born beautifully bare – but raised with strings attached.

A Tall Goldilocks in Hong Kong: Navigating the Tangled Forest of Perceptions
Follow the long strides of one woman’s journey as she hurdles the low points of her height.

A Whisk of Magic
This baker’s brew has all the ingredients for happiness, but one is never certain of what the cauldron may spawn.

Side-eye: A Glance into Hong Kong’s Fast-Paced Culture
Please do embrace this local blemish on the Pearl of the Orient, but you’d better be quick about it.

City of Lost Stars
Dylan Thomas was right, of course. We need to “rage against the dying of the light.”