What's New in CILL

New on 27 February 2014
New on 6 September 2012
New on 19 April 2012
New on 5 April 2012
- The Recommendations section of a report - a text-reconstruction exercise to help you remember the language of this section of a report.
New on 23 March 2012
- The Conclusion section of a report - a text-reconstruction exercise to help you remember the language of this section of a report.
New on 15 June 2011
- Sales Letters - an explanation and an exercise
New on 3 June 2010
- The Order of an Essay - putting paragraphs in the correct order
New on 9 May 2010
- Phrase comparison - compare example sentences for two phrases
New on 12 January 2010
New on 11 December 2009
New on 8 December 2009
New on 10 July
- ITC Vocabulary Hangman
- Design Styles
- Kinds of Clothing
- Kinds of Textile
- Surprise Me
New on 17 December 2008
New on 29 November 2008
New on 19 May 2008
- Report Recommendations - an explanation, an example and an exercise.
New 16 April 2008
New on 2 April 2008
- The Conclusion section of a report - an explanation, an example and an exercise.
New on 5 February 2008
- Meetings Scenario - in a cartoon of a business meeting choose what your character will say.
New on 16 January 2008
- Memo Guidelines - a common style for how to write memos, and an activity.
New on 8 January 2008
- The Procedure / Method / Methodology section of a report: how to write it.
New on 20 December 2007
- Report Writing: Introductions - a page to help you understand the content and grammar of report introductions. It contains explanations, an example and an exercise.
New on 27 September 2007
- Concern - how to use concern correctly
New on 5 September 2007
- The transition from school to university - a reading and categorisation activity.
New on 23 April 2007
New on 5 March 2007
New on 25 September 2006
- Job interview simulation - practice interviews in an animation
New on 7 March
- Adjustment letter practice task - type in your letter and the computer will analyse it for you, and give you some feedback.
New on 27 February
- How to write complaint letters - describes the content, language and organisation of letters of complaint, and includes examples and an exercise.
New on 19 February
- Enquiry letter replies - describes the content and language of letters of enquiry, with example letters. Includes an exercise.
New on 7 February
- How to write adjustment letters - includes the stages of dealing with complaints, some useful expressions, some example letters, and an exercise.
New on 3 February
- Enquiry letters - describes the content, language and organisation of letters of enquiry. Includes an exercise.
New on 24 January
- Verbs of Knowledge and Opinion - this exercise is to help you to avoid common confusions between the uses of the verbs know, learn, understand, think and believe.
New on 19 January 2006
New on 17 January 2006
- The Job-seeking Process - listen and put the steps in the right order
New on 14 January 2006
New on 16 November
New on 8 November
New on 5 November
- Hangman for the 2000 most common words in English
- Hangman for the 2000-5000th most common words in English
New on 28 October
New on 19 October
- Vowel game - for groups to practise IPA vowel sounds; e.g. /I/, /i:/, /e/ and /æ/
New on 20 September
New on 11 September
New on 7 September
- Requesting an interview about a company - the organisation and content of a message requesting an interview to find out details of a company.
New on 7 June
New on 5 May
New on 30 March
New on 9 March
New on 2 February
- Informal English names; e.g. Bill=William
New on 12 January 2005
New on 7 December
- It is because and this is because - an explanation and an exercise
New on 16 November
New on 11 November
- The Sounds of British English in the IPA (International Phonemic Alphabet) chart
New on 5 November
- Relative clauses
- Modals and tentativity
- Formal verbs
- Replacing idioms with formal verbs
- Academic Vocabulary Crossword
- Precise Words
- Replacing 'get'
- Importance and Unimportance
New on 12 October
- Change and continuity: nouns and verbs table
- Change and continuity: nouns and verbs gap fill
- Change and continuity: nouns and verbs multiple choice
New on 11 October
New on 8 October
- Synonyms for verbs
- Beliefs, opinions and attitudes: vocabulary.
- Collocation: Set Phrases
- Collocation: Verbs and Nouns 1
- Collocation: Verbs and Nouns 2
New on 5 October
New on 30 September
- Transitivity - transitive and intransitive verbs
New on 24 September
New on 23 September
New on 21 September
New on 20 September
Vocabulary to express similarity and difference - fill in the blanks
Vocabulary to express similarity and difference - common mistakes
Word Roots - gap fill
Word Roots - matching
Mortgage vocabulary - definitions and a gap fill exercise
- Investment Phrases - matching exercise
- Mortgage Phrases - matching exercise
New on 10 September
- Purpose, reason and result clauses
- Problem areas: prepositions
- Prepositional phrases
- Suffixes
- Suffixes for Meaning and Word Class
- Suffixes for New Words
New on 30 August
- CILL EAP Diary Frequently-asked Questions
- Nouns
- Prefix Meanings - a matching exercise
- Prefixes Crossword
- Sentence Types
- Key Words in University Study - Nouns - Crossword
- Verbs of Academic Communication - Crossword
New on 2 June
- RTHK Backchat Program - latest program on current topics, good for listening practice
New on 19 April
- Common Errors in Report Writing -
revision exercise.
New on 8 April
- Report Recommendations Correction Exercise - correct the common errors.
- Subject Headings - how to write
correct subject headings.
New on 4 April
- Apologise / apologises / apologies - the
grammar of 'apologise'.
New on 3 April
- Complain / complaint / complained - the grammar of 'complain'.
New on 31 March
- The Procedure / Method
section of a report - a text-reconstruction exercise to help you remember
the language of this section of a report.
New on 30 March
- Report Introductions
- a text-reconstruction exercise to help you remember the language of the
introduction to a report.
New on 29 March
- Report Stages and Content - what goes in each section of a report
- Stages and Language of a Report
- useful phrases for the sections of a report
New on 23 March
New on 12 March
- Describing Numbers - an explanation, a program
to write and speak a number, and an exercise
New on 5 March 2004
- Reference Letter Writer - fill in the
boxes and the computer will give you a correctly-formatted reference letter
New on 24 February 2004
- List of the top ten most popular pages on the CILL website
New on 6 February 2004
- Adjustment Letter Constructor - build a letter of adjustment by selecting the right phrases.
New on 30 January 2004
New on 30 December 2003
- Subject-verb agreement - an explanation and an exercise.
New on 23 December 2003
- Adjective order - what order to write or say adjectives in, and a technique to help you to memorise them.
New on 19 December 2003
- Because or Due to the fact that - an explanation and an exercise.
New on 14 November 2003
- Academic style guidelines - an explanation and a correction exercise.
New on 10 November 2003
- Synthesis - information and examples of how to describe different opinions, how to analyse them, and how to give your own opinion.
New on 7 November 2003
- Relative clauses - an explanation and a practice exercise
New on 3 November 2003
Contrast Clauses - in spite of the fact that, etc.
New on 24 October 2003
- Prepositions and Geography - grammar rules and a multiple choice exercise.
- Matching Synonyms - deliberate, evidence etc.
- Matching Antonyms - predominant,
expand etc.
New on 29 September 2003
- Suggesting solutions - choosing whether a sentence that suggests a solution is formal or informal.
- Checklist for EAP 2003 Assignment 2 Essay
New on 20 September 2003
- Parts of speech exercise on 'migrant' etc.
- Matching Listening Vocabulary - to schedule etc.
- Matching formal and phrasal verbs.
New on 15 September 2003
- Genetic Engineering Vocabulary - you can click the links for definitions, example sentences, pronunciations and Chinese translations
- Personality adjectives and their opposites - a matching exercise
- Synonyms - matching words with similar meanings
- Derogatory words - matching adjectives and words that are critical descriptions of people.
- Adjectives to describe multiple intelligences - vocabulary tips and a matching exercise.
- Parts of speech exercise for contribute, introduction, objection, determine and cooperate.
- Essay introductions - a text on the health of students, and a text re-construction exercise.
- Essay paragraphs - a text on multiple dimensions of the tutor-student relationship, with paragraphs in order of importance. Includes a text re-construction exercise.
- Essay conclusions - a text on the health of students, and a text re-construction exercise.
New on 1 September 2003
- Formality - an exercise in making sentences more formal with more formal vocabulary (somewhat, fluctuate, obtain, major, questionable, increasingly, unacceptable, controversial, disappointing & deteriorate).
- An Ideal Language Learner - interactive listening exercise
- Seminar on the Transition from School to University - interactive listening exercise
New on 26 July 2003
- Prepositions - at, in, on. Shoot the aliens to win. Games: 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5. (Internet Explorer only)
- Prepositions - of, for and from. Shoot the aliens to win. Games: 1, 2 and 3. (Internet Explorer only)
New on 23 July 2003
- Collocations - contains links to the vocabulary; e.g. 'meet', and a matching exercise
- Collocations - contains links to the vocabulary; e.g. 'express' and a matching exercise.
- Collocations - contains links to the vocabulary; e.g. 'empirical' and a matching exercise.
New on 30 May 2003
- Academic Vocabulary - lists of academic words. You can click the links for definitions, example sentences and pronunciations.
New on 22 April 2003
- Report Correction Exercise - correct these common errors made by students in report writing, so that you can avoid making the same mistakes.
New on 10 April 2003
- The Language of Approximation - an exercise in describing numbers in an easy-to-understand way
- Approximation Correction exercise - to check that you can use the language of approximation correctly.
New on 9 April 2003
- Report Writing: Formality - an exercise to help you to write reports using formal language.
New on 8 April 2003
- Matching Nouns and Verbs for Reports - an exercise in choosing the right vocabulary for reports.
- Types of Report - the names of different types of report and what they mean.
- Report Headings - understand the type of information each section of a report should contain.
New on 6 February 2003
- Memo Headings - making the organisation of your memos more reader-friendly
New on 16 January 2003
- IELTS - the ELC's IELTS information and practice exercises
- Spring 2003 Workshops
- Job Advert Writer
New on 13 December 2002
- Trends Headings - this exercise shows how to use headings when describing trends. Includes an exercise.
- Letter of Adjustment (Reply to a Letter of Complaint) spot-the-mistake exercise.
New on 21 June 2002
- Tour the CILL Internet Site - a 10-page tour to show you the useful materials on the CILL Internet site.
- Steps in Process Writing - an ordering activity
- Explanation of functions in essay titles, and an exercise on which functions to use
- Formal and Informal Sentences - a matching exercise
- Common Errors in Formality in Academic Writing - an exercise in choosing a more formal phrase
New on 27 April 2002
- 'Lack' or 'Lack of '? - an explanation and an exercise
New on 10 April 2002.
- Job Interview Panel Discussion - example phrases and an ordering activity.
New on 14 March 2002.
- Important or Importance? Explanation and exercise on which word to use.
- Satisfaction - choosing between 'satisfy', 'satisfied', 'satisfying' and 'satisfactory', etc.
New on 21 February 2002.
- Collocations 1 - adjectives that collocate with: display, apologies, funds, judgement, estimate, investigation, compensation, achievement, interest, incident, offer and news.
- Collocations 2 - verbs that collocate with: arrangements, communication, instructions, a memo, procedures, damage, evidence, an image, the facts, the grounds for..., apologies and our deepest concerns.
- Workplace Idioms - Explanation and Examples, Exercise 1, Exercise 2.
New on 11th February 2002.
Problem words - exercise on the differences
between some commonly confused words. Includes links to pronunciation, definitions and
New on 26th November 2001.
Presentation Planner
- helps you to write presentations by asking you for all the necessary sections of a
presentation. It then produces printable notecards and a script. It also reads your
presentation to you to help with your pronunciation.
New on 30th October 2001.
Using Sources (References) - correct the in-text referencing errors in these sentences.
New on 23rd October 2001.
Using Sources (References) - correct the bibliographic referencing errors in these references.
New on 8th October 2001.
Cause and Effect - this exercise introduces the vocabulary and grammar needed to describe causes and effects. Includes an exercise.
New on 5th October 2001.
Categorisation - this exercise introduces the vocabulary and grammar needed for the function of categorisation, and includes a short exercise to help you check that you understand.
New on 3rd October 2001.
Describing trends - some useful vocabulary and a gap-fill exercise.
New on 27th September 2001.
Functions - exercise ondefinition, comparison and contrast.
New on 17 July 2001.
Idea Web - a mind map tool for organising and prioritising your ideas to help you organise your essays and presentations.
New on 3 July 2001.
Organisation Tool - type your ideas into the
boxes in this program, then re-order them with the 'Up' and 'Down' buttons. You can then
print out the re-ordered ideas. Saves you time because this is easier than doing it on
New on 18 April 2001.
CILL Monthly Theme: Health - click here to see the posters, the answers to the questions on the posters, and links to useful sites on the theme of health.
New on 14 March 2001.
Resume Writer - a program to help you write and format
your resume
New on 29 January 2001.
New on 5 December 2000.
ELC Materials on Presentations.
New on 8 November 2000.
Summary, Quotation or Paraphrase - how to decide which one to use in your academic essays.
New on the 10th October 2000
We have audio books that you can read and listen to at the same time. They include:
- Animal Farm
- Drink with the Devil
- Motivation and Goal Setting
New on the 5th September 2000
New on the 28th August 2000
Diagnostic Grammar Test - find out your grammar problems and how to solve them
New on the 7th July 2000
Job Application Letter Writer - fill in the spaces and this program will write your job application for you!
New on the 27th June 2000
Job application grammar game. Shoot down the aliens as they attack the Polytechnic! ONLY WORKS IN INTERNET EXPLORER, best at a resolution of 800 x 600.
New on the 13th June 2000
Details for the Sounds Pronunciation Program.
New on the 30th May 2000
Advanced Dictionary Skills Site - Improve your grammar, vocabulary and writing by learning how use dictionaries faster and more efficiently.
New on 10th May 2000
Vocabulary: Common Confusions - a developmental quiz with feedback.
New on 6th May 2000.
Job Interview Quiz on the content and grammar of interview answers.
New on 25th April 2000.
Exercise on Articles and Geography - teaches you the correct articles to use before countries, cities, islands, mountains, lakes, seas and oceans.
New on 23rd March 2000.
Practice materials for the 'Graduating Students' Language Proficiency Assessment' Test. This is an English test for many HKPU third-year students. We now have the official practice materials for this test, including booklets and audio CDs for the listening section. Come to CILL to prepare for this test, as these materials are not available on the Internet.
New on 11th March 2000.
Minutes of the student committee meeting of 10 March 2000. Find out the plans for CILL.
New on 2nd March 2000.
The Student Committee - a group of students representing the interests of CILL users. Click here to find out more.
New on 1st February 2000.
CILL Materials for the ELC English in the Workplace Course
New on 17th December 1999.
Exercise on ordering useful phrases for different stages of a presentation.
New on 29th November 1999.
Assessment submission form. Use this form to submit your written assessments to your teacher over the internet.
New on 27th November 1999.
Checklist for Assessment Four. This checklist will help you to plan your presentation.
New on 18th November 1999.
Reference machine: fill in the boxes to make a correctly formatted reference.
New on 12th November 1999.
Checklist for Assessment Three. This checklist will help you to assess and proof-read your writing.
New on 22nd October 1999.
Checklist for Assessment Two. This checklist will help you to assess and proof-read your writing.
New on 9th September 1999.
Lists of CILL materials to help with EAP (English for Academic Purposes):
- EAP - Unit 2 - Materials for Participating in Academic Discussion Groups
- EAP - Unit 3 - Materials for Academic Writing
- EAP - Unit 4 - Materials for Structuring Academic Writing
- EAP - Unit 5 - Materials for Citing Sources
- EAP - Unit 6 - Materials for Expressions and Style in Academic Writing
- EAP - Unit 7 - Materials for Assessing and Revising Academic Writing
New on 5th September 1999.
New on 10th June 1999.
Feedback form. Fill in this form to give us your private feedback on this site.
- Are there things you would like us to include?
- Do you have any suggestions?
- Have you found a broken link or something that doesn't work?
Tell us here.
New on 17th May 1999.
A series of summer courses will be run from 14th June to 27th August and held in CILL or one of the rooms in L008.
Activities will include:
- video watching and discussion
- a photographic club
- grammar and pronunciation workshops
- role-plays
- Internet activities
- discussion groups focusing on fashion, news and sports.
New on 5th May 1999.
Update of Job Application advice page.
New on 30th April 1999.
Link to Exite mail. Click 'E-mail' on the CILL home page in the big 'C' design. This will take you down the page to the e-mail section.
New on 28th April 1999.
- We want to re-decorate CILL in a more lively and interesting way. Please send us your suggestions by e-mail, in writing, or come and talk to us.
- We are planning a summer program of activities. If you have any suggestions and can come in the summer, please contact us.
New on 21st April 1999.
- Quick links to your Internet e-mail site; e.g. Hotmail: click 'E-mail' on the CILL home page in the big 'C' design. This will take you down the page to the e-mail section.
- An e-mail list. If you would like us to e-mail you about updates to the CILL Internet site and about events and new things in CILL, click here to send us an e-mail containing your e-mail address, and asking to be put on the CILL mailing list.
New on 17th April 1999.
- A search page to help you find things on the CILL site and on the Internet.
New on 12th April 1999.
- Useful Links - A page of useful links to other sites for learning English on the Internet.
New on 1st February 1999.
- New e-mail address:
CILL: eccill@inet.polyu.edu.hk
New on 14th January 1999.
- This page!!
- Link to CNN's reading site on the CILL reading links page.
- ESL Loop links to other sites for learning English on the CILL Home page.
Last updated on: Thursday, February 27, 2014