A contents page in a final year project is organized to provide a clear and structured overview of the document. It typically includes the following sections, listed with corresponding page numbers:


List of figures



Chapter 1 - Introduction

1.1 Construction and Productivity
1.2 Problem statement
1.3 Research Objective

Chapter 2 - Literature Review

2.1 Definitions
2.2 Definitions of management & worker levels
2.3 Identified Productivity levels from previous studies
2.4 Evaluation of previous studies

Chapter 3- Methodology

3.1 Data collection
3.2 Objectives of survey
3.3 Design of Questionnaire
3.4 Promotion of survey response
3.5 Data analysis

Chapter 4- Results and Analysis

4.1 Response rate
4.2 Result
4.3 Productivity factor ranking
4.4 Conclusion

Chapter 5- Perceptions of Management and Worker levels

5.1 Profiles of the respondents
5.2 Management and Workers: different perceptions
5.3 Implications and Conclusions

Chapter 6- Conclusion

References and Bibliography




  • Page numbers should be assigned accurately.
  • Each section and subsection should be clearly labelled and listed in the Table of Contents.
  • Ensure consistency in the formatting and style throughout the document.
  • Other possible sections include a 'List of Tables' and a 'List of Abbreviations'

Try GenAI. Ask PolyU or other GenAI tools for advice on your Contents Page. Paste your existing Contents Page into the Prompt and ask if it is logical, if there are any errors and whether there could be any improvements. Remember, don't just accept the GenAI suggestion. Be critical.