The Literature Review is the chapter of the FYP which refers to publications that are related to your particular research. The Literature Review chapter provides a detailed review, discussion and comment on published work that contributes to your own study.

The Literature Review has a number of important functions:

  • It shows that you have read the work of other researchers in your particular area.
  • It provides more detailed information about studies already referred to briefly in the introduction to your FYP.
  • It provides a critique of the existing literature and shows how it contributes to the development of your particular study.
  • It helps to refine the direction of your own research.
  • It makes a small contribution to the research that is being carried out in your particular area.
  • It shows that you are a serious and reliable student/researcher.

1) Reference to Published Sources of Information

When writing the Literature Review, frequent reference to the work of other authors will be made. The two main methods to refer to the work of published sources are:

  • to use a direct, verbatim (word-for-word) quotation, and
  • to summarize or paraphrase an author's work, using your own words.

Click here to view guidelines for quoting and summarizing/paraphrasing.

2) Author Prominent versus Information Prominent References

References (citations) to published work can be presented in two ways:

  • Information Prominent
  • Author Prominent

Information Prominent, as the name implies, focuses on the information first, followed by a reference to the author.

e.g. An improvement in one part of the process may necessitate adjustment, change, and improvement in another part to prevent additional errors or defects. (Berk and Berk, 2023)

Author Prominent refers to the author first, followed by the information.

e.g. Kumar (2019) developed a set of instructions for determination of the indexes for benchmarking.

Note that whenever the author is referred to, the surname only should be used.

Click here for the ELC Referencing Guide.

3) Author Name versus Numbering System

There is an alternative method for referring to sources which does not use the author's name. This alternative method simply allocates a number to the source and the number then refers the reader to the bibliography at the end of the FYP. This method is frequently used in science-based disciplines. If using this system, the reference number is allocated chronologically, starting with [1] and with the number placed within square brackets. Should a reference be made later in the FYP to a source previously referred to, the earlier number is used.

Note that if the numbering system is used to refer to authors, the bibliography will list the references numerically and not alphabetically.

Example of the numbering system in use

A number of researchers have utilized the COMIS model in accessing the ventilation performance of buildings. Applications included the numerical analysis and comparison of various ventilation systems [11], the study of building conditions under certain circumstances [12-14] and the evaluation of pollutants spread in buildings [15]. The COMIS group [3] has carried out extensive development and validation of multi-zone models. Validation has also been carried out in some European countries [4]. The predicted and measured ventilation rates agreed reasonably well.

(Note that the numbers in the above example are not fully chronological because many of the references had been referred to in earlier sections/chapters of the FYP.)

Click here to view examples of references taken from student FYPs. The exercises will familiarize you with the use of 'author prominent' versus 'information prominent' references, as well as the use of the 'author name' versus the 'numbering system'.

4) Choice of Verb Tense when Referring to Authors

When reading academic texts, you may notice that several tenses are used to refer to the work of other authors. The tenses often used are simple past, present perfect and simple present. Such a range is perfectly acceptable and there are several reasons that influence the choice of tense.

Simple Past Tense tends to be the most frequently used tense to refer to the findings of another author's research. The past tense is also most commonly used when the writer uses the 'author prominent' style.

e.g. Walker (2018) simulated the speed needed to ...

Present Perfect Tense is often used when the focus of the work is on several authors.

Jolly [2] and Lawrence [3] have studied ...
A number of authors have investigated the strength of … [3, 6, 9]

Present Perfect Tense may also be used when you want to refer to how much or how little research has been carried out on a particular topic.

e.g. Very little research has been carried out into the effects of ...

Present Tense is often used to refer to generally accepted scientific facts.

e.g. Experimental observations carried out in the past show that … (Smythe, 2024).

Modal Verbs may be used if you wish to introduce a degree of tentativeness into your comments about the work of an author. In this situation the reporting verb will be in the passive voice and the addition of a modal verb will indicate the degree of confidence attributed to the information.

e.g. It has been indicated by both Wilkens (2021) and Smithson (2020) that additional parameters should be added.

Other modal verbs that can be used, ranging from rather weak in meaning to quite strong, are: could, may, should, would, will

Range of Verbs to Refer to an Author's Work

When referring to sources, your writing style will be more effective if you vary the choice of verb to refer to the source. The following is a list of frequently used verbs. When referring to an author, select a verb that is most appropriate to the context and that conveys the author's meaning accurately.

argued indicated reasoned
concluded investigated recorded
demonstrated noted reported
discussed pointed out showed
examined presented stated
explained proposed suggested
found provided surveyed

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