• An appendix refers to the inclusion of additional detailed data that is relevant to the content but is too detailed to include in the main body of the Final Year Project (FYP).
  • The plural of Appendix can be spelt as either Appendices or Appendixes.
  • Appendices are placed at the end of an FYP so as not to interrupt the concentration of the reader while reading the main body.
  • Consideration needs to be given as to whether data is provided in the body or in the appendix. If the data is very important to the understanding of what is being discussed in a chapter, then it should be given in the body. However, if it is not central to the content of the chapter, it should be placed in an appendix.
  • Every appendix must be referred to in the body of the FYP. Examples of how this can be done are:
    For details of the equipment used, see Appendix A.
    A letter was sent to the company to request an interview with the Human Resources Manager, see Appendix B.
    A copy of the questionnaire is provided in Appendix C.
    The detailed results can be seen in Appendix D.
    A full computer printout was provided by the company (Appendix F)
  • The type of information usually included in appendices will include technical notes on method, materials used to collect information such as a questionnaire, detailed results of experiments or observations, illustrations, photos.
  • The data should be presented in the normal portrait orientation (rather than landscape).
  • Appendices are placed at the end of the FYP, not at the end of chapters.
  • Every new appendix must be given a title plus a number or a letter.
  • Each appendix should be placed on a new page, with the number clearly visible, usually at the top right hand side of the page or at the top centre of the page.
  • A list of all the appendices should be given with the number or letter plus the title. When there are a considerable number of appendices (more than four) this list should be presented on a separate page following the Table of Contents. If there are only a few appendices, the list can be simply added at the end of the contents page.
  • The following is an example of a student's list of Appendices.
    List of Appendices
    Appendix A Water supply systems Page 143
    Appendix B Diurnal operation profiles of pump sets Page 145
    Appendix C Water consumption profiles by pump operation logging Page 149
    Appendix D Water consumption profiles by flowrate logging Page 152
    Appendix E Maximum demand Page 158
    Appendix F Questionnaire Page 159
    Appendix G Water consumption and sewage loading Page 165