IT Survey Report

This program is to help you avoid some common errors made by students in report writing. It is also a survey of your opinions on the ELC e-learning facilities, so please answer the questions accurately, using your own experience.

Fill in the information below, then complete the report.

Your gender:
Your family name: (Put your family name in here. If you prefer not to give your name, use Einstein.)
Your initials: e.g. K.K.
Your year of study:
Your current English course:
Degree topic: e.g. Mechanical Engineering


To: (1) , IT Coordinator
From: A. Einstein
Subject:    Case Study of a Student's E-learning
1. Introduction
1.1 Background
This report (2) Mr A. Morrall, IT Coordinator of the English Language Centre (ELC), (3)

1.2 Aim
The report (4) to improve students' report writing skills and to provide the ELC with feedback on a student's e-learning.
1.3 Overview
The report (5) findings which (6) Mr Einstein's e-learning experience with the ELC, and then makes recommendations on how to improve the ELC's e-learning materials.
1.4 Definitions
E-learning in this report is defined as learning English by using the ELC's internet sites, the computers in CILL, the ELC multimedia labs (Rooms A306 and A307) (7) the SEP computer room.
2. Procedure
The data is derived from Mr Einstein's experience of e-learning at the ELC, starting from , and ending on (8) data (9) on personal experience.
3. Findings
3.1 Personal Profile
Mr Einstein is a Year 2 student, studying Mechanical Engineering. He is currently studying English in the Workplace.
3.2 Introduction
His experience of e-learning with the ELC was (10) (11) .
3.3 Duration
The time he (12) on e-learning is shown in Table 1, as follows:

    Table 1: Mr Einstein's E-learning from Start Date to  

    Materials / Facility

    Time spent


    Has Bugs?

    The ELC Internet site, not including the CILL site: hours
    The CILL Internet site: hours
    The CILL computers (not including for the ELC and CILL Internet sites): hours
    The ELC multimedia labs: hours
    The SEP Computer Room: hours


    0 hours    
As can be seen from Table 1, he spent approximately 0 hours studying English by e-learning. Of these hours, (13) were spent on the ELC website, and (14) on the CILL website. (15) In addition, of the e-learning hours were spent on (16) CILL computers, (17) in the multimedia labs, and (18) in the SEP Computer Room.
3.4 Usefulness
(19) the usefulness of the ELC's e-learning materials and facilities, Mr Einstein felt that they were, in general, useful.  
3.5 Bugs

No bugs (20) found in the e-learning materials and facilities.
4. Conclusions
To summarise, Mr Einstein's experience has been generally positive. He has spent approximately 0 hours studying English by e-learning, and found it .
5. Recommendations
(This program will check your recommendations for common errors when you press the 'Submit' button)


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After you submit the first time there is no need to submit again, as the feedback will automatically update as you change your answers.






Last updated on: Monday, March 26, 2012