Booking the Company Junk
A Modern Junk |
Combining the booking procedures and the booking form into an interactive web page would save staff time, reduce administration costs and reduce the chances of confusion. This is because the form limits the staff's options and checks for mistakes. It refuses to register the booking unless it is filled in correctly. Click here to see this form.
Here are the original instructions. Click on the links to see a description of the problems:
Staff at the companys grade 8 and above are entitled to use the company junk, bookings of which can be made through the Personnel Managers office. The following rules and regulations should be observed:
Booking the Company Junk
Here is the online booking form. Some of the details have been changed to make the instructions clearer and easier to understand. You can fill in the form and click the submit button to see the result. Of course, you are not really booking a junk!
Last updated on: Monday, March 26, 2012