Report Writing Scenario Site

Welcome to the report writing scenario site. The aim of this site is to help you to improve your report writing.

Scenario: On these pages you will find a business situation involving a training course. Your task is to write a report on this course.

1. Read the Task. (5 minutes)
2. Read the background documents and take notes in your Word processor (4 x 5 minutes = 20 minutes)
3. Watch 4 interviews and take notes in your Word processor (4 x 5 minutes = 20 minutes)
4. Write a report in your Word processor, then spell- and grammar-check it. (1 hour)
5. Copy and paste your report into this site, and submit it. The computer will analyse your report and give you feedback. (See example) (5 minutes)
6. Modify your report based on the feedback. (The time for this depends on the feedback)

Total task time: 2 - 3 hours.

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