Learner Styles  


Main Points:


The first and second points that Holec (1981: 22) makes on deconditioning; that a learner needs "to free himself from the notion that there is one ideal method", and, "that teachers possess that method" also highlight a need for the learners to be aware of how they prefer to learn, ie. their learner style.

Miller (1992: Appendix 10b) provides an example scored activity on paper for learners to analyse their learning style as either analytic, relaxed, or a mixture. He then provides feedback on the learner’s score, with advice about modifying the style if it is extreme.

Ellis & Sinclair (1989: 6 - 9) have a learner self-administered diagnostic test that is recommended on the CILL pages.

Ellis, Gail & Sinclair, Barbera Learning to Learn English (1989) Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Holec, Henri (1981) Autonomy in Foreign Language Learning Oxford: Pergamon

Miller, Lindsay (1992) Research Report No. 11 Self-access Centres in S.E. Asia Hong Kong: City Polytechnic of Hong Kong