Sample References/Citations

The following five examples have been taken from student FYPs.

Decide whether each writer has used the Information Prominent or Author Prominent style. Note how both the 'author name' and the 'numbering system' have been used in the examples.

1. Research indicated that excessive low-frequency noise could induce a number of physiological and psychological effects on humans, such as annoyance, fatigue, lower efficiency and productivity. [3]

2. Pryor [1] concluded that with only just two or three compact fluorescent lamps using electronic ballasts per household, it would lead to an excessive voltage distortion of a feeder.

3. For the heat exchanger, it was suggested by Mark [3] that six parameters are useful for measuring and recording for the fouling resistance: sea water inlet/outlet temperature, sea water flow rate, refrigerant inlet/outlet temperature and refrigerant flow rate.

4. There are numerous chemicals and biological organisms from various sources that cause indoor air problems. At this moment, more than 900 compounds of air pollutants have been identified and it is believed that the lists of pollutants will continue to expand (Brooks and Davis, 2021).

5. Yang [15] also conducted research on the related issue in 2022.